Most of our daily activities now involve technology, which has instilled itself into ourlives. Technology has affected every aspect of our lives, from the food we consume to theway we travel, and this is quickly making the world a better place to live. The Indian ecommerce market has also experienced steady expansion after a spike in digitalizationduring COVID-19. Key factors driving this sector are the young population, and growingsmartphones and internet use. India is currently the second-largest internet market, with830 million subscribers. Keeping these things in mind, our company Tribazz PrivateLimited has come up with this single online portal to establish a link between visitors andlocal businesses around India. Tribazz is an E-commerce platform based in Jammu &Kashmir, and we are trying to make small businesses and local vendors more accessibleto tourists as well as people living in the city. Our Mission is to create a unique andunforgettable experience for travellers, local vendors, small handicraft sellers, buyers, andbidders altogether. Tribazz is a marketplace where travellers explore the best placesaround town and get personalized tour packages, accommodations, and locations. Thesetravellers can easily toggle through all the local attractions and search for local marketsand local handicrafts sellers, and contact them directly. ‘PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS’and ‘PROMOTE YOUR SERVICE are the two mantras that we are preaching throughoutthe platform. A place where small businesses can advertise their services and localvendors can connect directly to the consumers and list their products. Our website hasupdated GPS functionality that helps tourists to find any location, and buyers can locatesellers easily. With our unique E-Mandi concept, vendors and commission agents canfollow the fluctuations in the prices of the products and bid according to that, makingnegotiations easier for both buyers and sellers. Our vision is based on two slogans‘DEKHO APNA DESH’ and ‘VOCAL FOR LOCAL’. Our aim is to empower local artisans,shops, vendors, and product sellers. Tribazz will give users a platform where they feel likethey are in control and treated as a preference, which is less likely to happen on othermarketplaces. Explore the world of Tribazz just from the tip of your fingers.